While we aim to maintain consistency in our rosin consistencies, every cultivar and every batch can and will result in slightly different textures. So far we have received overwhelming praise for our products, truly a monumental amount of praise, despite constant criticism and consultations internally to improve every aspect of our products and services. Along the way we have heard some funny stories, funnier beliefs, and strange conclusions we'd like to address.

In addition to what we have already written on the subject, the battle to retain optimum consistency and moisture level for a library as diverse as ours is challenging. With styles and preferences changing, everyone's opinions can vary. We remain on the side of drier white rosin over wet-brown full season slop.

RUMOR #1= A Wet Look Means Terpenes...
Sometimes, but often not. Some of the worst rosin is wet as can be, while the very best flavors to come our way over the last six or seven years, are NEVER super wet and border on being slightly dry in appearance. The Hive is a perfect example, while other cuts can look absolutely soaking wet and have next to no flavor. No flavor, or a flavor we could do without.
Many of our very best flavors border on the verge of appearing semi-dry to the untrained eye, especially when handled under certain situations or circumstances. Trying to dig into a chunk of cold rosin can make even the wettest of badders crumble and appear dry. It can be rigid and stiff from a lack of movement or agitation, intensified by reduced temperatures.
A consistent challenge among hash-makers is to present the cleanest, whitest resins with enough moisture content to remain visually pleasing. But a slightly moist, play-dough consistency is what we aim for. If we can't sculpt the rosin and shape it with our tool, it's far too wet in our humble opinion.
And if wet looks mean terpenes, then drier looking rosin means...

RUMOR #2: Dry Appearance Means Old or lacking terpenes
Everything you receive from us is incomparable to the retail markets, where products take months just to hit the shelves where they sit (often in poor and inadequate refrigeration) for nearly two years! With our products coming straight from the hash lab located on the hash farm, Farm-2-Rig dabs are your reality. The oldest products on our menu were washed within the last two months.
You may have noticed certain flavors going out of stock and then coming back. This is because we prefer to wash smaller batches, keeping the rosin fresh. With the flower frozen and perfectly preserved, we can pick and choose the size of our batches, keeping everything fresh in rotation. (Just a reminder that our material comes from our World Class farm).

RUMOR #3: My Rosin is Dry and I can't Smoke it...
While we have only heard this once in our lives, it brings up an important concept.
Can rosin be dry?
We say No.
EVERY Rosin no matter how dry it appears can and will liquefy again. Considering live rosin to be an oil, yes an oil, it cannot dry out. AND/OR even the driest looking rosin will liquefy with the addition of heat. Bone dry rosin makes-up much of the vape cart circuit.
An oil, or something that can be melted down into a liquid is therefore, ... never dry. Play around, read the #Baddertech article and you will see how wet a dry rosin can quickly become. Agitating the rosin gently, while condensing it in the jar will push terpenes to the surface of the rosin, giving it that wet look and an intense smell. Or leave those terpenes inside and dab away.
The main point being: Every Rosin is different and every rosin is at its best in a unique texture and consistency. There is no one way. Garner expectations appropriately, knowing that each cultivar produces a different texture of Live Rosin.
Dry-ish appearing white rosin > Wet-brown rosin
all day everyday.
Spot on, good insight as always
Thank you for clarifying! 🙏🏾
Couldn't agree more! Lots of social media posts immediately bashing award winning makers on any jar that doesn't come in wet,wet, regardless of strain, before they even touch it! Frustrating haha.