This is the whitest we have EVER seen, EVER! Like for real. She's got a hint of fruit on the nose, plenty of gas, and a mystery taste we need your help identifying. This stuff is insanely white, insanely soft, with a bit of Apples, Bananas, and OG Gas we've come to love and celebrate. Talk about the chronic...
Frosted Banana Live Rosin THCa
We do not use the outdated Sativa/Indica/Hybrid marketing labels for our cannabis products, as these terms lack scientific validity. It's impossible for modern science to test for or distinguish between Sativa and Indica and the terms should have died then and there.
These terms have been perpetuated by marketing efforts and mass consumption tactics, but they oversimplify the nuanced and individualized effects of the plant.
We focus on providing high-quality, solventless products that deliver a true, individualized experience. Instead of relying on misleading labels, we encourage you to explore our products based on personal preference and desired tastes, not on arbitrary (and dangerous) marketing terminology.
You can read more on the topic here.
So white! Very impressive and notable banana flavor complimented by sweet creamy notes. I should have grabbed 2g but hopefully this one makes a return, again fantastic rosin Q!